I see you and I honor all the deep work you have done. I celebrate the ceremonies you’ve sat in, the therapies worked through, the patterns acknowledged, and the relationships you have grown in on this path. This work isn’t always easy. It takes a great deal of courage to make these changes and step forward into what you truly desire.

In my deep exploration of shamanic and somatic practices, I find that consistency and support have been essential for complete integration. However, I often witness a rushing through this integration process- whether it is a plant medicine ceremony, a major life change, or avoiding unhealed trauma. It’s normal. The mind tries to find a way out quickly from what is uncomfortable but the body and the nervous system move slow and need TIME. You start to feel good, so you stop all of the things that you know work and you wonder why old patterns start to resurface.

If there is some part of you that continues to re-create dysfunctional patterns. I am here to support you. If you feel there is more to integrate from your plant medicine experiences. I am here to support you. If you are struggling with vulnerability and connection. I am here to support you.

You ARE capable of real change.

YOU can create whatever you dream.

It is ALL possible and I am here

Here to hold space for you to come home to YOUR center and heart

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i am here to support you.

-in our work together-

We will journey into shadow work, relationship dynamics, somatic embodiment , breathwork, ceremony, and the actualization of change.




Let’s journey together.

Ready to take the next step?